Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The Peculiar Parade of Mr. Fish (1969)

The Peacock King of Clifford Street, Michael Fish, is seen here presenting his then-latest collection in 1969 via a report from London Aktuell, narrated by Eddi Arent with original music. It's one engaging hell of a carnival; a veritable fiesta of pastels, kipper ties, myriad materials and caftans that proudly exemplifies Fish's particular feeling for fabrics

Dead days of dandyism don't come much livelier

Monday, 10 October 2011

John Gayner: Lost & Found

Some of you may have noted that I am more focused on bringing my Tumblr up to speed than on the column at present. This shall pass in time. But in the spirit of that reblogging mentality, I am promoting yet another artistic endeavour by one of my friends, which takes the form of a West London-set photographic exhibition this week at my old haunt, The Crate Gallery. The arts season is truly upon us again; I spent Saturday in some delightful company at Art London and will also attend Frieze later this week

It's a good time to take in the sights

Thursday, 6 October 2011

And it's Goodbye from Steve Jobs

I'm afraid I've not the articulation to bid a passable farewell to Steve Jobs, without whom I might never have Broken iPod Blues, Apple Lust Objects and other digital addictions/afflictions. Fortunately, amongst his other talents was an orator's feeling for the right words in the right circumstances. To whit, the below:
