Thursday, 12 August 2010

Peculiarly, Mr. Fish

Michael Fish (centre), shirtmaker, Turnbull & Asser alumnus, In Group member, "high priest" of the Peacock Revolution (as described by Hardy Amies) and creator of the kipper tie, with his staff at his 17 Clifford Street, W1 haberdashery in the late 1960s:

... A holocaust of see-through voiles, brocades and spangles and mini-skirts for men, blinding silks, flower printed hats... all the surface mannerisms and mouthings of hippy, but none of the intent

Nik Cohn on Mr. Fish's shop and output
   Very much my sort of shopping experience, then 

   Mr. Fish's work can be seen at the Victoria & Albert Museum

   Cigar to Sharp Dressed Men


David Toms said...

I love that description of the store. So apt! I wish i was old enough to have lived through the Peacok Revolution!

Barima said...

You're not alone


Philip Marlowe said...

I fell in love with Mr. Fish's rainbow corduroy suit (as pictured in the Swinging Sixties book I purchased at the V&A last week)!

Another wish-I'd-been-there-in-the-'60s youngster...

Barima said...

I mentioned that same suit late last year - as I'm sure you're aware, the material was bought by previous owner David Mlinaric from an American furnishings fabric company named Hexter. Very novel

A friend of a friend owns some Mr.Fish pieces. I'd be tempted even by the gender-bender designs, but I'd not like to be mistaken for André Leon Talley - unless there were perks attached

