Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Outfit - More of The Same

   Another vintage-based ensemble, another Ghanaian wedding, and so it goes:

   With a bonus tribute to The O'Jays (because we would need two more to comprise a Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes homage):


Philip Marlowe said...

Looking good! I couldn't wear either the double breasted or that shade of gray because I'd look even more washed out than I already do (gray hair and beard at 38 and all that).

Speaking of beards, you should grow yours back; it was quite striking.

Barima said...

Thank you kindly, C.K.

More variables may be involved in getting a DB jacket to look "right" than for its SB sibling, but they are more adaptable to forms than they receive credit for, I think. You never know

I can grow a full beard in a little over 2 weeks, so it can recur almost at will; I've no problem with losing it now and again to avoid scruffing up my more formal ensembles


Better Guy X said...

Love the 6-and-4 double breasted suit. And the glasses are straight out of a Dolemite movie. Good look.

pve design said...

I love a classic hound, houndstooth tie I mean.
Thanks for your kind comments about your galavants & escapades.

Barima said...

Thank you both; very much so, in fact

