Sunday 3 May 2009

The Best Dressed "Me"

Your author in 2005, wearing the apex of his "personal uniform" in rumpled style

   Simply put, everyone has a look. Some even have three. But not everyone thinks deeply about how they look on a day to day basis

   For those who dress to live, the greatest effort expended will be on occasions such as interviews, parties and weddings, and even then, it's a gamble as to how often they succeed at it. For those who live to dress, well, that's always a different story

   The diligent duo at StyleSalvage have mused once or twice on the topic of a personal uniform, an exterior combination of garments that readily identifies the signature appearance of its wearer. And, inspired by the thoughts of the talented Richard Haines, they have done so in an insightful manner. Their posts connected with me because I've long considered my own style to be a uniform of sorts - an experimental traditional style that's supplemented by various personal tics

   Over the years, the favoured remark that I've received - meant sincerely or backhandedly, either is fine - is a variation of "I couldn't wear that," which suits my design perfectly, especially when I'm in a more subdued ensemble at the time. But nevertheless, I've always had conflicted feelings about the idea of a personal uniform. I can accept being thought of as "smart," "dapper" and in other similar terms in general, but it's more interesting that I receive them at times when dressed in a manner that could be more charitably described as "zany " - a recent stint of jury service inspired the words, "Snappy outfit," when the smartest thing I was wearing was a cardigan. But that's drifting from the point a little

   Or maybe not. Experimentation within your style is a good thing and I fully champion it. It's often seemed that this style exploration dies down as one descends into dotage, having ostensibly "perfected" the image that is then presented to the outside world daily. The implication is that once you've passed a certain age, there should be no more effort to surprise or to catch the sartorial eyes of others off guard. And in truth, I don't really think it's that simple

   I believe that experimentation actually changes itself as one continues to explore, and I think resources such as Advanced Style or The Sartorialist really stand up for the sharpest dressers of the elder set. When you're older, you should really be doing what the hell you want. After you've discarded what doesn't work, you can then focus on what does and then introduce different things that may or may not work either, but certainly weren't there before. A simple example is changing from Dior Homme-esque skinny jeans to the revivalist Oxford Bags-style of Bottega Veneta - you're still wearing denim, but everyone who knows you is going to pick up on the new silhouette straight away

Some consider slimmer trousers to suit me better, but why stay in one place?

   People who alter their entire looks are motivated by a wealth of thoughts (or neuroses), that can include changes in music tastes, the interests and lifestyles of their friends and/or lovers, working environments, "growing up" and, more often than not, celebrity culture and advertising. At the opposite end of the scale, those of an alternative bent aren't necessarily the better dressed, nor is their approach more intrinsically cool, but they are more likely to be honest and steadfast about their appearance - "I couldn't wear that," indeed

   The members of music subcultures who actively engage with their scenes and dress accordingly are on to something, because they don't often care what other people think. The imitators they inevitably attract do, but that shouldn't be to the detriment of their style leaders

   So don't just do what others are doing. There's a reason it's called a "personal uniform" - there needs to be a sense of the person inside for it to be called your own. I'm not talking about full-blown iconoclastic originality here - we all dress within various frameworks and archetypes, myself included. Unless you make your own clothes and have the vision and ability for an entire paradigm shift in dressing, you're no more individually attired than anyone else in a basic sense, presuming that you're not given to wearing costumes daily

   I will always respect the attention to detail that guides retro-fetishist fans of 19th and early-to-mid 20th century dressing, but I don't respect the message behind it - "Nostalgia rules, classicism is the way, didn't we look so much better oh so long ago?" This will fail on a number of levels, not least of which is looking dated, and the successful ones are only so when they put something of their own personality into the looks instead of making it all about their preferences. Nevertheless, if you're adopting a look, it's always necessary to have an icon or a touchstone that you can build off instead of directly aping

Between his style of music and the fairly precise recreations of mid-20th century ensembles, where does fanboyism end and clever marketing begin?

   I myself was once accused of "wearing traditional clothes in a fashionable way," although for some time, my goal was actually the opposite. But while I hesitate to consider my style truly sophisticated, I believe that a sense of enjoyment and an awareness of history have helped evolve my look away from a simplistic province of sportscoat-tie-trousers and the decidedly "fashionable" eccentric combos involving ties and t-shirts I wore to go clubbing 2 years ago. It's a sign of the times that I have the freedom to go from Victorian frippery to post-war gent to 70s lounger, but I won't simply Xerox these looks, because that would be silly

   To some, my "personal uniform" is obvious and can be boiled down to a simple word or archetype like "dapper." It will likely remain the case, no matter what details I can swap out, and considering the relative variety of pieces I've used in my basic ensembles over the years, that's saying something

When it comes down to it, the only real deviations most will see are that I'm wearing a bow tie and look even more "retro" than normal. That's experimentation for you

   For me, a personal uniform does not just boil down to designers or signifiers or archetypes. It should reflect your view of yourself and your life. All I want to be is the best dressed "me" that I can

Your author in 2009 - same basic outfit as the first, but the details have been tweaked in a more considered and neat manner

Thursday 30 April 2009

Barima in Digital

   For the sake of my rampant narcissism, two recent appearances on different corners of the interweb have "merited" this post. Yay me. First up, my friend, Shel, asked very nicely if I'd pose for her own blog, Fashion Jezebelle, and it was a request that certainly wouldn't join the masses that I've selectively refused from women over the years. Naturally, my photo is somewhere close to the bottom of the page

   Lastly, Winston saw fit to use a selection of photographs from last Saturday's Prohibited Night Out in a recent column for A generous friend, and a talented writer. And not quite how I was expecting to first contribute to Mensflair, but life happens. I cannot recommend the site highly enough

Art of the Pattern Clash

   Some might say that it's a very British mannerism to clash patterns in clothing. However, if I had grown up in West Africa after all, I would have done that anyway. But irrespectively, I just love doing it, no matter how classy or dodgy the results might be

   The short sleeved crew neck jumper is conspicuous on its own, all colours, stripes and sporty bands. There's even a number on the back, like a sports top. There's a slight synergy in what I'm wearing underneath. The long sleeve shirt keeps things relatively neutral with a white base, and relates subtly to the jumper with thin stripes in green and blue

   As for the neckwear, something about this outfit called for a cravat. While other colours probably could have done, the pale yellow base is neutral enough for the overall outfit, while blending in with the other plain and lighter colours of the outfit. About the only way this felt less than hazardous was excercising sobriety with my lower half, keeping the belt, trousers and shoes dark and sombre

   Remember that at least one or two (or four) calm pieces in a multi-patterned ensemble should prevent you from blinding onlookers when you're out and about. It works for me

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Customisation Deux: A la Mode

   Fiona took the lead on this latest "garment recalibration." Despite the florid, humourous twist it sometimes added to my ensembles, I'd pretty much resigned myself to having no further use for this ice cream man-friendly Interno8 shirt, although, seeing as it wasn't the only one of the three I own that I didn't choose myself, it, along with one other, would always face that fate

   But why let such a fetching red-and-white houndstooth pattern go to waste just because of an enormous collar and billowy fit issues? 'Twould fly in the face of my current "everything is usable" philosophy (if you ignore that a dozen of my pieces will be appearing online with an Ebay banner above their photos in about a week's time):


   Together, over a delicious meal one evening, we came up with a concept that hearkened back to the kind of summer shirts young, open fated men would have worn in some bygone time where summer outfitting didn't mean slogan t-shirts, crocs and mismatched shorts

   Of course, the irony is that the shirt is unwearable at temperatures above 30 degrees due to its weight, but the look will still hold up on less tepid days


   The collar has been rendered inside out in a more unique banded style, while the 3-button barrel cuffs have migrated halfway up the sleeves. We thought that such an idiosyncratic detail should not go to waste. The fit around the body has been altered slightly, but a follow-up is forthcoming if I keep wasting away, as everyone seems to think I am

   All in all, a definite improvement

The first entry in this series is available here

Monday 27 April 2009

Setting the Style: Antonio Azzuolo

   It must be said, a lot of new designers don't just appear with the kind of pedigree, experience and class that Mr. Azzuolo's résumé boasts. A Ryerson University, Toronto graduate with a B.A.A. in Apparel Design (specialisation: Men's Tailoring), he achieved first place in the menswear category at the prestigious "Festival des Jeunes Stylistes de Hyères", having based himself and his work in Milan. Taking the opportunity presented by the award to move to Paris ensconced him in the offices of Kenzo and Hermès for over ten years, but perhaps his most gilded appointment was as design director for Ralph Lauren's Purple and Black Labels. Until he decided to strike out on his own. And naturally, that's where his work gets really interesting

   Beyond his achievements and accolades, Azzuolo carries an exposure to Italian bespoke tailoring that may as well be the result of DNA encoding, though that kind of argument carries greater weight considering both of his parents worked in fashion. But his background is not the only signifier of his potential for success, as his instinct for aesthetics has the rare blend of practicality and desirability that should be a bedrock in men's fashion. Azzuolo has a facility for cuts that are realistic and youthful without appearing as pastiche or cliché, and his responses to the various fashion trends of these hyperkinetic times gives a classical appearance to a majority of his pieces

   Which is just as well, because the lost aristocratic look is hardly a widespread phenomenon in today's world, but fans of slim trousers, bold primary colours, prints, dashing double breasted jackets, cropped tailoring and practical-yet-regal hooded coats are going to be keeping tabs on this line. Especially me. The a.a. collections are not sold in London, which leads one to wonder, "Isn't this exactly what Liberty is for?"

The line trades on menswear staples, building up the look of its customer through consistency and seasonal adaptability. Scarves add interest in looks all year round, while the accessories of gloves and buttonholes emphasise the completeness of a gentleman's look that can often be missed by today's sartorialists, who are perhaps too conscious of appearing overly layered or styled. Azzuolo's reference points have been bandied about in both interviews and articles, but it would be remiss of me not to point out the clean European refinement that pervades his work and makes the viewer instantly aware of his bespoke background. Add to this the old school rock'n'roll elements of tight fits, fingerless gloves and ostentatious use of opulent fabrics and accoutrements, and the line takes on a particularly energetic aspect

   Although he doesn't specifically reference the period, I can't help but think that the Bright Young Things, in a 21st century incarnation, would happily be clad in his designs. Other designers trading in updates of - and twists on - traditional menswear look to produce work that's more calculated in appearance, all shiny, flashy fabrics, barely controlled patterns and excessive or unnecessary detailing that verges on unviewable vulgarity. There isn't any of that here. This is a line that reflects the interests and personal history, rather than the lifestyle obsessions and glitz worship, of its creator. It's a line that just seems to make sense

   The work of his stylist, Sally Lyndley, is invaluable in promoting the attractions of the label. On the runway and in the photoshoots, her contributions emphasise the freedom of breaking suits down into adaptable pieces and, just as necessarily, balances the standard youthful appearance of the models with the bearing that Azzuolo's tailoring seems to instantly impart. On reviewing his debut show, The New York Times's The Moment made instant comparisons to Gossip Girl's moody manipulator, Chuck Bass, but this is more of a different animal to the teen idol, balancing layering and flair with more restrained palettes and an instinct for elegance than is seen whenever Ed Westwick is onscreen. But if there's any synergy between these two, it's an important one - a young man drawn to the idea of dressing up is always a boon, moreso if he has a creative taste that he can express through distinct, well kempt looks. And, tenuously or not, this link gives the line an additional shot of pop culture-friendly relevance

   This is far from the first post in blogworld on Azzuolo, and definitely not the last. Ordinarily, amongst a designer's product, there's normally one collection that inspires me with inquisitiveness and appreciation. Sometimes, two. Rare is the one that consistently keeps me watching, but if Azzuolo can parachute into my ones to watch with such efficiency, I'd be surprised if I didn't still care about him in 3 years time

Photos: a.a. and Men's Style

More information, photos, press and contacts at a.a.

Pop Culture Thumbs-Up - 27/04/09

   So, Esquire's Best Dressed Real Man in America competition (seriously). This little sartorial bloodbath has $10,000 dollars worth of Kenneth Cole up for grabs. Fills you with desire, no? Last time round, it was  almost won by a tiny dancer with an all-consuming penchant for early 20th century outfits despite being in his early 20s. Predictably, this profile is my favourite

   In great Japanese news, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi of clean-cut idol boyband and multimedia phenomenon, SMAP, caused a minor international stir last week by getting on down with his naked self in public, getting arrested and then disowned by every brand he's ever promoted in the process. There was a major stir in the fun parts of his fanbase at the idea of him being on display, though for such a camera-fanatical society, there's a curious paucity of pictorial evidence, which probably caused a major stir of fury in the minds of said fanbase. I remain impressed that at 34, he's still hugely popular with girls, whereas the fanbases of boybands over here steadfastly grow up with their singing eyecandy. But then, my favourite Japanese pop star, Cornelius, is 40 this year and still looks about 19

   Speaking of milestones, the Ninja Turtles are 25 this year, and you'd better believe that I'm going to expand on this presently

   Bling Bikini. I know, right?

   And for him, The World's Most Expensive Suit

   And finally, what carnage will ensue when Robert Rodriguez relaunches the Predator film franchise?

Sunday 26 April 2009

Prohibition! Or, The Perfect Name For a Club Night in Booze Britain Is...

   I could wax lyrical about the atmosphere, the music, the number of attractive flappers, the teacups, the dancing and the play gambling, but I trust the photos truly speak for themselves. This is Prohibition:

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Clone a Couple! Or, My First Attempt at a Street Style Shot

For bonus fun, count the number of couples that appear in this photo

   It is just too cute when couples go that extra mile to coordinate their outfits, and in terms of thinking up ways to match, this is "A++ would do business again." And it's not the light/dark contrasting palette they've planned out, nor the style of shopping bags that doesn't so much whisper "His'n'Hers" as take out a classifieds ad, nor is it their obviously strong bond on the topics of saggy jeans and hybridised footwear. What really kills me is the choice of ankle-flashing roll-up hems that somehow seems to seal this obvious affirmation of mutual love and inspiration

   Too cute, yet somehow not too wrong. Style of love

Monday 20 April 2009

The Sunshine Overground

Image alteration by Cary Grant on SF

   The major detraction regarding the warmer weather is weaving ensembles together if one insists on aiming for the classics. So, while I can, I'm going to enjoy as much layering - and pretty, young sunbathers - as possible. I'm not the greatest sunchild around, but it's good to get out when the weather's this bright and warm
