Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A Hole in the World: John Barry, 1933 - 2011

   The fourth thing that came to mind when I heard of John Barry's passing yesterday was not about producing yet another tribute melding biographical data with a lack of insight into his creativity like most journalists are apt to, but instead indulge my appreciation of the underdog with a piece from his score to Walt Disney's The Black Hole

   I loathed the movie as a kid, but the sweep and Hollywood splendour of its score could not fail to connect; it made this little boy wish to be nothing more than the hero of his own adventure. Like many of my semi-regular readers, I imagine, my populist side gleefully devoured his deathless work for the James Bond 007 film series. Perhaps unlike some of you, my hipster side delights in the aureate pomp of The Black Hole's main theme in sampled form on The Beta Band's self titled debut

   Basically, thank you, John. I hope that whomever scores the remake to The Black Hole can keep up. It would make up for some of the work by David Arnold
